
Boosting WordPress Website Speed is Easy

by Shaan Chopra

WordPress Website Speed actually matters a lot in the web world. I just boosted mine and it’s not that difficult to do so. What happens is a lot of clutter makes the site speed go down. It took me one day to speed things up I was hitting a speed of 17.4 seconds which has now reduced to 5.7 seconds.

Now, to reduce the site speed load time one just has to carefully look at the parameters and work on the one-by-one issues. Here is what I did;

  1. Deleted all the junk on the site i.e. all unused plugins, trash posts, and database cleanup with WP-Optimize.
  2. Added a few plugins WP Super Cache, Autoptimize and Far Future Expiration Plugin.
  3. With the help of GTmetrix and the options available in the above plugins kept solving one issue at a time.
  4. There are a few which can not be optimized so, left them entirely and just by this my website speed changed.

Now there are these things that one needs to keep in mind, some of the options would break the site. Some options which state increase speed would actually not work for me. This could be because of my theme of type of installation so, testing after every step is very important.

Let me know if the above helped you in Boosting your WordPress Website Speed.

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