Blogging is an excellent way of sharing your thoughts and ideas with the word. Writing blogs helps you in acquiring domain knowledge, perfecting your language, connect you with like headed community or even make money. All this comes with the common blogging problems that you should consider before starting your own blog. There are millions of blogs online and hundred of blogs go online or go offline every day. As per WordPress, 70 million new posts are published each month.
In this blog, we are discussing some of the blogging problems that you can face and I faced them too in my past.
Blogging Problems: Fear of Starting

Scared of what people might think or fear of failing. Now, to be honest, I was too. There is nothing wrong with being scared of starting something new. Human nature is such that any change, will bring some amount of fear with it. People will talk definitely but they will pass as they have more to talk in life. Not everyone will like what you write, life is such.
The blogging community, in a nutshell, will help you or shape your confidence, they will read, comment and will point out the mistakes. You just have to learn and rectify the mistakes. Penning down your thought, ideas, style and opinions will attract the like-minded audience.
This blogging problem will not let you start your blog. You have to overcome this fear and move forward. Trust me once you publish the first post you will find your self in a comfort zone and as you keep posting the fear will vanish automatically. Here is my first post on this site.
This is the first problem you would face and if we can not pass this phase all the below-mentioned issues are not applicable. The only way you can find the worth of your blog is by overcoming the fear in your mind.
Blogging Problems: Lack of Domain Knowledge or Niche

Once you pass the fear of starting the next problem is choosing a topic for your blog. Many people state that you should start a niche blog or micro topic blog or travel blog but you should write what you like. Starting a blog is easy but keep it running is difficult. Choosing a wrong topic, you would only be able to post 5 to 10 posts and then you will go blank.
Let’s say I start a blog on mobile phones after researching the audience which is huge and listening to some influencers. I currently have no knowledge in the sector and no interest in cell phones. Do you think my blog will work? No, it will not, my blog is dead even before I start. Now this is just one of the common blogging problems.
Choose a topic that is exciting to you, interests you and have sufficient knowledge in hand. You don’t have to be a master in it as you will learn much more going forward. If you are writing something that does not have an audience and the only person gaining out of the blog is you, great, you should do what you like. There are bloggers who blog about their day at the end of each day like a diary entry.
The Wrong Platform: Blogging Problems

Putting things in the right place, once you have thought of the topic, choosing the correct platform is the next big challenge. If you are writing personal issues and don’t want the world to know about it, jotting it on a platform which brings it out to the world is going to be an issue. Select the blog platform wisely. There are a ton of free blogging platform online, experiment on them.
These platforms are made for you to try them, and putting your money straight to a platform that is not made for your type of blog will be a waste. Read and research on the platforms, read the terms and conditions.
Let’s say you want to write a two-line thought of the day. Putting it on a long-form platform would be a waste, what you need is a micro or thumb blogging platform like Twitter, Facebook or for single picture Instagram.
Blogging Problems: No Plan & No Action

Starting a blog without a plan or actions to be carried out will have no impact on the blog’s growth. It is like putting a person in the ocean who doesn’t know how to swim. Have you seen a headless chicken? Yes, Plan and organise yourself. Blogging is easy but difficult to scale.
You just have to note down steps on a piece of paper and strike it off when completed. These can be like opening a twitter account, write a guest post, create a back-link or create a video. This note will become a foundation for your blog. Planning your actions are important.
This is one of the common blogging problems faced by many bloggers in their blog life. So, put a plan and action before it becomes a problem.
Problem: Consistency and Quality

Blogging is a commitment, that you have to be consistent and produce the best quality content. This is one of the difficult issues to deal with in blogging. To keep your audience hooked to your blog the only way is to give them what they want. Your audience wants consistency and quality in the blog post. They are looking for answers or a solution or entertainment.
If you are posting every week then keep on doing it. If you fail to post and your users might just jump to another site. The quality post will attract more visitors and for this, you should look at other blogs which are trending. There are some free tools that can very useful for creating crisp blog posts.
Every blogger faces this challenge When to post? How much to post? And the answer is no fixed or defined rule. The only underlining is you have to be consistent and produce great content for your readers.
Blogging Problems: Lack of Focus

One of the common blogging problems is a long-term commitment and you have to go forward. Focus on the long-term benefits and not on the short-term gains. Vision needs should be long, most of the blogs don’t make it to the front line, it is because the vision of the creator is short. In the starting days you will have no traffic, no comments, no like and it becomes heartbreaking, but the show must go on.
Stay focus and keep on creating good content. Things will grow, it is just a matter of time. Your audience will be small in the beginning and you have to grow it organically. If you are thinking that you will write 5 to 10 articles and make money quickly, it will not work.
Lack of Patience

This is a very common problem which a lot of bloggers face. Most of us not having patience would back out from blogging. The prime reason for this is our blog not doing well or not getting traffic. It takes a bit of time when your blog gets some authority and traffic. It does not happen in a short period of time.
Check out the blogs that are ranking high on search engines they have been there for several years. Patience is a very important factor when it comes to blogging. You should give your blog at least 2 to 3 years to work. I started a blog on aquariums back in 2016 at that time I had no traffic. In 2017 no traffic only next year in 2018 the site started getting some hits. 2019 was even better than the last year.
So, not having patience is a key problem that you have to tackle and be on track.
Passion for Blogging: Common Blogging Problems

If you do not have a passion for blogging and are just starting because someone said you can make money and it is easy. I would suggest reconsidering your thoughts. Yes, you do make money but it takes a lot of time. You do not start making money as soon as you start. Only your passion for blogging will get you to earn money.
Don’t start blogging for money, blog because you want to give out a message or a solution. You want to be a part of a community which gives out information free of cost.
Anyways, the point remains that you need to fall in love with blogging.
To sum up everything from the top, only focused and long-term blogs are successful. Blogging is fun but it also requires discipline. Don’t leave the track that you have in your mind.
I hope this article will help you in knowing the challenges and overcoming them in blogging. If you have any suggestion you can put it in the comment section below.